Quantum CommunicationCustomer Stories

Dr. Tim Schröder, Mr. Maarten van der Hoeven

Integrated Quantum Photonics Lab, Humboldt-University of Berlin, Germany


The Integrated Quantum Photonics lab of Dr. Tim Schröder at the Humboldt-University of Berlin is interested in understanding, controlling, and developing use cases for quantum research. In this particular project, Maarten van der Hoeven is characterizing and studying the behavior of color centers in diamond nanostructures. These color centers are extremely stable single photon sources that can be utilized to build quantum sensors or quantum communication devices with high communication rates. To achieve this, Maarten searches for ways to couple those quantum systems to collect transmitted photons as effectively as possible.

For color centers in diamond, the fabrication of nanostructures that contain emitters is a well-known method for enhancing the extraction of photons. These nanostructures can be used for single-mode fiber coupling of the color center’s emission, as it is a requirement for high photon collection efficiency and a necessity for integrated systems.

Figure 1: A widefield image taken with the Prime BSI sCMOS camera, pixel array shown in axis labels. Most of the bright spots on the image are tin-vacancy centers, intensity scaled to the scale on the right of the image.


In order to detect individual point sources, which are low in signal down to a few photons per millisecond, a camera with a very high quantum efficiency and very low read noise is required. A confocal raster scanning method was previously used, which was much slower than simultaneously locating many tens or hundreds of color centers.

A well-controlled scientific camera sensor gives reliable access to a quantifiable number of detected photons. Other, less optimized camera solutions do not easily allow for quantitative analysis but require frequent calibration and/or contain patterned artifacts in offset and image leading to worse results. Moreover, for some experiments, it is crucial to have a large enough full well capacity to obtain recordings of various signal levels from very dim to very bright – only possible with a high bit-depth and well capacity.

Lastly, the color centers are at random locations and require locating in respect to landmarks on the diamond so further processing can be performed. A large field of view sensor would be truly beneficial as it speeds up the entire process and makes it very repeatable.

With the [Prime BSI] on our custom setup we can carry out experiments which we could not perform before.


Maarten told us that the Prime BSI sCMOS camera is a very good solution for their imaging needs, as individual color centers can be reliably identified, reproducibly located and characterized. The Prime BSI has become an established solution of choice on the color center setup, and this group has recently purchased a second camera for a new system.

As well as using a Teledyne Photometrics Prime BSI sCMOS camera for widefield acquisition, this self-built setup also includes a Teledyne Princeton Instruments SpectraPro HRS 500 spectrometer with a ProEM EMCCD. As spectroscopy data can only be revealed at the locations where events are situated, a very precise localization needs to take place based on the camera images and relayed with a high precision XY-stage in order for the spectroscope to measure at the intended positions requiring a delicate interaction between all components controlled by a single software interface. The fast and accurate combination of the Prime BSI and SpectraPro enables reliable identification of the nature of individual color centers. With its astigmatism-corrected light path and the flexibility to switch and interchange grating turrets, the SpectraPro HRS is the ideal partner for the Prime BSI on this system.

Overall, Maarten said that “[we] can carry out experiments with our self-built setup which we could not perform before. Further efforts will be made to improve the entire system even more in order to gain additional insight into color centers, their behavior and eventually lead to technological progress in our understanding and use of them in the scope of the groups research focus.”

Live Cardiac 3D Spinning-DiskCustomer Stories

Prof. Francesco Pasqualini

Synthetic Physiology Lab, University of Pavia, Italy


Prof. Francesco Pasqualini is a Harvard-trained bioengineer leading the synthetic physiology laboratory at the University of Pavia, currently researching cardiac development using engineered cell culture platforms. By optimizing this platform with cell lines and then moving to human induced pluripotent stem cells, Prof. Pasqualini can get a unique perspective of the developing heart.

Prof. Pasqualini told us more, “We are studying the mechanobiology of the heart as well as investigating the use of various extracellular matrix components to control tissue and organ-level behavior. We are particularly interested in recapitulating the early phases of human heart development using defined extracellular matrix and cardiac cell types. All using live-cell microscopy, of course.”

This study uses a Nikon Ti2 microscope and a modular spinning-disk confocal module, the X Light V3 from CrestOptics.

Figure 1: An image acquired with the Kinetix sCMOS on a spinning-disk confocal, showing XY, YZ, and XZ projections of live HaCaT cells stained with actin (grey), tubulin (green) and two nuclear stains (cyan and magenta). The bottom XZ projection and side YZ projection show the 3D organization of tubulin microtubule networks on flat cells, and mitotic spindle in the rounded dividing cells. Data from Dr. Di Sante, Ms. Pezzotti, and Ms. Torchia in the Pasqualini lab.


Cardiac research involves imaging of both structural and functional aspects of cardiac cells. While structural imaging requires a camera with a large field of view and a small pixel to get high spatial resolution at the desired magnification, functional imaging requires a camera sensitive enough to operate at high speeds to capture calcium and voltage activity across cells and tissues.

When working with multiple cell types and multiple timescales, it is vital to have a flexible yet powerful imaging system that can meet the needs of each experiment, whether imaging the morphology of large groups of cells or imaging small sub-populations with high speeds to observe activity.

With the [Prime BSI] on our custom setup we can carry out experiments which we could not perform before.


The Kinetix is a proven solution when paired with the Nikon Ti2 and CrestOptics X-Light V3, resulting in a powerful imaging system. This allows for flexible imaging both now, and in the future when bigger, faster, more sensitive experiments are planned to image ultra-low voltage signal levels in developing heart tissues in vitro.

Prof. Pasqualini described his experience with the Kinetix, “I like the different Kinetix modes, we can image lots of cells at ~100 fps, and if we need to, we can look at another type of cell at ~1000 fps for calcium imaging. I also like Sub-Electron mode for images that don’t need to be fast, the lower read noise makes a big difference.”

DeepSIM Super-ResolutionCustomer Stories

Dr. Alessandra Scarpellini, Dr. Maria Giubettini

CrestOptics S.p.A., Via di Torre Rossa, Rome, Italy


CrestOptics is a leading company in the development and manufacture of advanced systems for fluorescence microscopy, featuring products such as the X-Light series of spinning-disk confocal modules. CrestOptics has also recently launched DeepSIM, a super-resolution module for 3D samples. We discussed DeepSIM with the Head of Sales and Marketing Dr. Scarpellini, and Application Specialist Dr. Giubettini.

Dr. Scarpellini told us more, “We noticed an increase in demand for higher resolution to see more of biological samples, but many options for super-resolution imaging were not accessible due to high cost, specialized sample preparation, or incompatibility with live sample imaging. This is why we developed DeepSIM, which makes super-resolution accessible, similar to how we made spinning-disk accessible. You can work with the same sample you’d typically use, but in a variety of configurations, such as combining DeepSIM with a spinning disk confocal or as a standalone, on upright or inverted microscopes, and able to work with a full range of objectives.”

Dr. Giubettini expanded on the possible imaging configurations, “It’s super easy to change between three modalities: widefield, spinning disk, and DeepSIM, you can switch to SIM to go into more detail on a sample, all while working with the same sample preparation.”

Figure 1: Comparison of widefield (WF), X-Light V3 spinning-disk confocal (CF), and DeepSIM super-resolution (SR) images, all acquired with the Kinetix sCMOS. The top row is HeLa cells at 60x (GFP-alpha tubulin in green, lysosomes in red), the middle row is human brain organoids at 20x (CTIP2-positive deep layer cortical neurons in green, pan-neuronal MAP2 in red), and the bottom row is 60 μm thick 3D volumes of mouse brain tissue. Thanks to the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) for HeLa samples, and Istituto Italiano di Technologie for brain organoid samples.


Dr. Scarpellini told us what DeepSIM needs from a camera, “a pixel size of 6.5 μm, good hardware triggering options, and as much speed as we can get, because we need to acquire multiple frames to get one super-resolved image. So low readout time and high speed is important to us, along with high sensitivity.”

DeepSIM requires a camera that can image at high speeds while maintaining good signal-to-noise ratio at low exposure, along with a 6.5 μm pixel. In addition, when the DeepSIM is combined with the X-Light V3 spinning disk, the maximum field of view increases to 25 mm, requiring a camera with a suitably large sensor.

With the [Prime BSI] on our custom setup we can carry out experiments which we could not perform before.
Figure 2: A full suite of products mention in this customer story. Here we see a Kinetix sCMOS and Prime 95B sCMOS attached to a X-Light V3 spinning disk module, in turn attached to a DeepSIM module, which is attached to a photoport on a Nikon Ti-2 microscope.


The Kinetix sCMOS is an ideal solution for CrestOptics’ advanced imaging systems such as the X-Light V3 spinning disk and DeepSIM modules, thanks to the unique combination of high acquisition speed, high sensitivity, and 6.5 μm pixels across a 29 mm sensor. For an example of live cell imaging with the Kinetix and DeepSIM, please refer to application notes from the CrestOptics website.

Dr. Scarpellini described her experience with the Kinetix, “The Kinetix was already a camera that we liked a lot with our X-Light V3 spinning-disk systems, because of the speed and wide field of view. This also makes the Kinetix a very good choice when combining the spinning-disk with DeepSIM.”

“For the standalone DeepSIM our recommendation for users who need the highest possible speed is to use the Kinetix22, but some users might also be happy with the Prime BSI Express as well.”




High Content ImagingCustomer Stories

Dr. Christopher Toepfer

Radcliffe Department of Medicine, University of Oxford, UK


Dr. Chris Toepfer is a principal investigator interested in understanding how cardiac physiology changes in inherited cardiovascular conditions. The lab uses fluorescence microscopy and calcium imaging to observe how cellular contractility is affected across different heart conditions, such as those seen in professional sports.

Using human stem-cell-derived cardiomyocytes with a known genome, they then use CRISPR Cas9 to insert patient-specific mutations and GFP tags into this cell model and observe the effects; such as whether the cells beat harder or faster than normal. This is done with calcium imaging to monitor calcium flux of a cell, and imaging of the GFP-labelled sarcomeres themselves, enabling Dr. Toepfer and team to measure contractility on the fundamental unit of muscle contraction in real-time.

Figure 1: Two Kinetix sCMOS cameras connected to a Nikon Ti2 using a Cairn TwinCam for high-content imaging.


The sarcomere is a challenging sample to image, as described by Dr. Toepfer: “There are often hundreds of sarcomeres and we need to track each individual one in every single cell, and we do this across hundreds of cells so this is high throughput… Unfortunately, the GFP-tagged protein is only seen a couple of times in each sarcomere, and a sarcomere is only 2.1 µm in size, so we are limited by the availability of light.”

“The cells beat once or twice a second and the contraction is very fast, so we need a high framerate to see and track the movement… the initial contraction happens over 50-100 ms and we want to capture as many frames in that short period of time as we can, to really characterize how the contraction and relaxation occur.”

The requirement for capturing many rapid events over a large imaging area makes this a very demanding experiment; one that is often limited by the hardware being used. The previous microscope had a 22mm FOV, and the EMCCD cameras on the system were limited to an even smaller imaging area.

In addition, imaging calcium with RFP and sarcomeres with GFP requires the use of multiple channels, meaning each acquisition takes longer. Dr. Toepfer mention his previous system for imaging these samples, saying “With our previous system we could only do around 30 fps in a single channel”, which was due to the speed limitations of EMCCD technology.

With the [Prime BSI] on our custom setup we can carry out experiments which we could not perform before.


The new system provides the lab with the capabilities to overcome all of the previous limitations: a larger imaging area, higher acquisition speeds and overall a higher throughput of data. The combination of the Kinetix and the Nikon Ti2 means that the entire 25 mm can be imaged at ~600 fps which is 20x more data than the previous system.

Dr. Toepfer told us about his experience with the Kinetix, “The Kinetix is great, the field of view being larger is very helpful for us so we can capture multiple cells now, our acquisitions are a lot quicker so we can have a lot more experiments done in the same amount of time and get a lot more data, which is also of a higher quality.”

“The Kinetix is allowing us to look at rapid events… now we are running at 100 fps compared to the previous 30 fps, and if we shrink the chip we can go to over 1000 fps, which now rivals other techniques used to image calcium such as photomultiplier tubes, but on a microscope.” Dr. Toepfer also wishes to measure and correlate the action potentials that trigger calcium release upon contraction, using fluorophores for voltage imaging. These voltage events occur far faster than the contraction cycle, and would require even higher speeds to image, easy obtainable with the Kinetix.

The lab is currently using two Kinetix cameras in combination with the TwinCam emission splitter from Cairn Research. In addition to the increased throughout provided by a new microscope and new camera, the TwinCam means that they can now image across multiple fluorescent channels in real-time, allowing for the capture of both calcium waves and sarcomere contractions and correlation
between these two channels.

Live Cell Microfluidic PlatformCustomer Stories

Dr. Yu Ting Chow, Dr. Amir Tahmasebipour

Mekonos Inc., San Francisco, California, US


Mekonos Inc. is a start-up company developing a biomedical microelectromechanical system (bio-MEMS) platform based on semiconductor and microfluidic technologies, to enable single-cell transfection with high viability and a scalable workflow.

We spoke with Dr. Amir Tahmasebipour, a Senior Scientist at Mekonos Inc., to learn more, “We do a lot of experiments: prototyping, development, designing, iterating and troubleshooting devices, and as this is used for single-cell transfection we work on very small scales. Our microfluidic platform is high-throughput and uses high velocities, so we really rely on good imaging devices to be able to characterize our system, for both microfluidic and MEMS key technologies.”

“Our devices allow us to flow substances over attached cells, with the aim to manipulate and transfect single cells on several different timescales. We use imaging systems to measure the quality and quantity of transfection, as well as track where particles and cells are going.

Figure 1: Live cells within the Mekonos Inc. microfluidic device under flow. The video stack was acquired with the Prime BSI Express sCMOS.


These devices involve both very small components and dynamically moving parts, requiring both high resolution and high image quality at a high speed. Dr. Tahmasebipour told us more, “We rely on videos more than pictures, as everything has a time component to it, with signals changing or fluids changing, as well as objects in the microfluidic devices move through the field of view very quickly. Our systems require enough light to have a short timescale of exposure, as we try to get as high a framerate as possible at as high a quality as possible, for tens of thousands of particles that we can scan through.”

“Resolution is also very important in order to pinpoint what is a cell and what is debris, we really like getting as high quality of a picture as we can. We also want to couple the camera with a Nikon microscope and use a variety of magnifications for characterization, up to 50x or 100x for tiny MEMS components close to the diffraction limit.”

With the [Prime BSI] on our custom setup we can carry out experiments which we could not perform before.


The team at Mekonos Inc. are using the Prime BSI Express sCMOS, which features both a high imaging speed and a high-resolution sensor thanks to the small pixel size. With a single-sensor design and low noise overall, the Prime BSI Express produces images of very high quality.

Dr. Tahmasebipour described his experiences using the camera, “The Prime BSI Express camera is our number one source of generating images, especially for validating our designs. It’s one of the higher-end bang for your buck options for us and that’s the main reason we chose it, and we are really happy with it.”

“We wanted a robust camera that produces clean images with not a lot of noise, that can go down to low millisecond exposure without losing too much brightness. The Prime BSI Express does it all and is one of the better pieces of equipment that we work with as far as imaging goes. Very reliable, we like how it talks to the Nikon software and our in-house software for exporting data, the software engineers are very happy with the ease of use with this camera.”

Simultaneous Multiplane Phase ImagingCustomer Stories

Moritz Engelhardt, Dr. Kristin Grussmayer

Department of Bionanoscience, TU Delft, Netherlands


The lab of Dr. Kristin Grussmayer develops light microscopy and analysis tools for life sciences and biophysics research, in particular addressing questions in molecular and cell biology. PhD student Moritz Engelhardt works within this group, with a project focused on studying protein aggregation in Huntington’s disease using cellular models, transfecting cells with plasmids containing the mutant Huntingtin protein and observing the effects of aggregation on cell health.

Moritz further explained his research, “We use a reconstruction algorithm that requires multiplane imaging to construct phase from brightfield images [1]. A prism splits light into different axial planes in the sample, and we can simultaneously look at different planes in the sample and use this to reconstruct the phase.”

“We also want to do subcellular segmentation in our phase images, we want to use a deep learning-based segmentation algorithm, to create the training data we use correlative fluorescence imaging. We take a phase image, then a fluorescence image to get the ground truth data of what part is the aggregate or organelle of interest.”

Figure 1: Multi-plane brightfield imaging with the Kinetix sCMOS. The above image shows four z-planes separated by 720 nm using a prism, with two Kinetix sCMOS cameras acquiring two planes each, resulting in a total of four planes. These images are taken from a 3D time series of COS-7 cells recorded at 1000 Hz, using a 60x silicone immersion objective (pixel size 108 nm).


While brightfield and phase imaging have a low light dose, there are plans for long-term live-cell fluorescence and super-resolution imaging (including SOFI), which will require more light.

For successful axial multiplane imaging and phase reconstruction, a prism is used to split the light. While the prism can restrict the field of view (FOV), Moritz and team place multiple of these FOVs across a single camera sensor for true simultaneous volumetric imaging and easier phase reconstruction. A camera with a large sensor is necessary in order to image multiple planes at once and capture fast dynamics.

Moritz outlined the other needs for a large sensor, “We can also use a large FOV when we go into fluorescence, where we can distribute axial information horizontally and chromatic channels vertically to facilitate high-speed multicolor volumetric imaging, all on a single big sensor.”

With the [Prime BSI] on our custom setup we can carry out experiments which we could not perform before.


The Kinetix sCMOS features one of the largest sensors of any scientific camera, the 29 mm diagonal FOV is easily able to contain FOVs from multiple planes and achieve simultaneously multiplane imaging. In addition, the Kinetix images at rapid speeds, achieving 500 fps across the entire sensor. When looking at multiple smaller FOVs, reducing the Kinetix imaging region further increases the speed and allows for the capture of truly rapid dynamics in live cellular samples.

Moritz shared his experience with using multiple Kinetix, “The Kinetix helps to not only look at static images but also time-resolved mitochondria dynamics, nucleocytosolic transport, and other fast samples. We can restrict our FOV and then go very fast to capture dynamics.”

“The big advantage of the Kinetix is the large sensor field of view for our phase imaging, and that we can be flexible for our future SMLM and SOFI experiments due to the high quantum, which is good. The Kinetix is great for collecting large amounts of information for our ground truth necessary for the algorithm training and to capture dynamics at the millisecond scale in 3D.”


[1] Descloux, A., Grußmayer, K.S., Bostan, E. et al. Combined multi-plane phase retrieval and super-resolution optical fluctuation imaging for 4D cell microscopy. Nature Photon 12, 165–172 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41566-018-0109-4

Fluorescence Reconstruction MicroscopyResearch Story


Fluorescence reconstruction microscopy (FRM) takes in transmitted light from a biological sample and outputs a series of reconstructed fluorescence images that predict what the sample would look like were it labeled with a certain set of fluorophores. This is done using ‘deep learning’ with a convolutional neural network (e.g. U-Net) that can be trained for FRM.

The FRM approach enables many benefits including reduced phototoxicity, freeing up of fluorescence channels, simplified sample preparation, and the ability to re-process legacy data for new insights. With the increase of computational processing power year on year, FRM may become a standard tool to augment quantitative biological imaging.

However, FRM is currently complex to implement, and FRM benchmarks are abstractions that are difficult to relate to how valuable or trustworthy a reconstruction is. In this paper, Cohen et al. relate the conventional benchmarks and demonstrations to practical and familiar cell biology analyses to demonstrate how FRM should be judged in context. This research demonstrates that FRM performs well even with lower-magnification microscopy data, often collected in screening and high-content imaging. This research specifically presents results for nuclei, cell-cell junctions, and fine feature reconstruction; provides data-driven experimental design guidelines; and provides researcher-friendly code, complete sample data, and a researcher manual to enable more widespread adoption of FRM.

Figure 1: Fluorescence reconstruction microscopy. Top images (1) show a low-magnification high-content image of tissue (A), with a magnified insert (B) and predicted fluorescence image (C). Bottom images (2) show the same MDCK cells at 5x magnification, firstly transmitted light (A), a true fluorescence image of nuclei (B), the FRM predicted nuclei image (C), and a merger to show the accuracy of FRM (D).

Imaging Solution

This paper involved testing FRM against ground truth fluorescence images, particularly in a low-magnification, high-content scenario. This requires a sensitive camera with a small pixel (to sample at Nyquist with low magnification objectives) and a large FOV in order to maximize data capture.

The Prime BSI used in this paper features a balanced 6.5 um pixel and a large FOV, ideal for high-resolution imaging even at low magnifications, ideal for the high-content applications for FRM testing. The 95% quantum efficiency resulted in excellent image quality and good data for processing.

Novel Structured Illumination MicroscopyCustomer Stories

Prof. Bernd Rieger

Department of Imaging Physics, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands


Prof. Bernd Rieger works with applied physics at TU Delft, and tells us about his research, “We are an applied physics and engineering group researching computational microscopy and building microscope systems, improving spatial resolution and temporal resolution of imaging systems. We start with empty optical tables and then build our systems.”

“Over the last two years, we have been developing new ideas, including novel structured illumination microscopy (SIM) methods such as SIMflux and SIM using single-mould fibres. Typically, in SIM you shift and rotate a pattern mechanically, which limits the speed. We have used fibres to generate these patterns and can change the pattern in the kilohertz range.”

Prof. Rieger’s work with SIM pushes the boundaries of high-speed super-resolution imaging.

Figure 1: Images from the lab of Prof. Bernd Rieger, Delft University of Technology. The Kinetix sCMOS is fully integrated into a novel SIM imaging system, allowing for high-speed super-resolution imaging


With SIM being a high-speed technique, the overall imaging speed of the system is vital. Prof. Rieger commented on bottlenecks in this speed, “Our acquisition rate was camera limited, so the quicker the camera, the better the result, and the quicker we can run our experiments. We need a high-speed camera to avoid a bottleneck in our system.”

With multiple novel SIM-based techniques in development, it is also important to have a flexible imaging solution that can be used on a range of different systems, “The camera is not for one application but flexible for the ideas we develop, we also want a camera for SIMflux, structured illumination together with localisation microscopy.”

As well as speed, FOV is also beneficial for high-throughput imaging, meaning the ideal solution would combine high speeds with large FOV, allowing for high-speed imaging across a large area.

With the [Prime BSI] on our custom setup we can carry out experiments which we could not perform before.


The Kinetix is a revolution in CMOS technology, imaging at extreme speeds with a large FOV and high sensitivity. Prof. Rieger told us about his experience with the Kinetix, “We wanted to use the Kinetix because it is quick, and you still get a good picture across a large FOV, which pairs well with our techniques such as SIMflux.”

“We also use a range of software including MATLAB so we need a flexible solution… The camera specs came through just as the spec sheet claimed, the Kinetix worked well.”

The combination of hardware and software flexibility, along with the unmatched combination of speed and FOV, results in the Kinetix being a very high-throughput solution to demanding imaging techniques such as SIM.

Live Yeast ImagingResearch Story


To ensure genome stability, sexually reproducing organisms require that mating brings together exactly 2 haploid gametes and that meiosis occurs only in diploid zygotes. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, fertilization triggers a signaling cascade, which represses mating and initiates meiosis.

In this research, Prof. Sophie Martin and the team from the University of Lausanne establish a system to demonstrate that mating blocks not only safeguard zygote ploidy but also prevent cell death caused by aberrant fusion attempts. This was done using long-term imaging and flow cytometry, and we identified previously unrecognized and independent roles for Mei3 and Mei2 in yeast zygotes.

Figure 1: Mei3 promotes G1 exit in stable diploid cells. (A) H1Δ17 diploid cells expressing mCherry and sfGFP from P- and M-cell-specific promoters pmap3 and pmam1 24 hours after removal of nitrogen. Arrows point to shmoo-like projections in mei3Δ and mei2Δ mutants.

Imaging Solution

These long-term fluorescence widefield imaging experiments were performed using a Prime BSI sCMOS camera in combination with a DeltaVision imaging platform and softWoRx software.

By pairing the balanced 6.5 um pixel of the Prime BSI with a 60x oil objective, high spatial resolution and great image quality were achieved. This was maintained over the long-term time-lapse experiments thanks to the reliability of the Prime BSI.

The Prime BSI is highly sensitive thanks to a combination of near-perfect quantum efficiency and low noise levels, and can image over a large field of view at a high speed.

Nematostella OPM Light SheetCustomer Stories

Dr. Rory Power

Advanced Light Microscopy, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany


Dr. Rory Power is a staff scientist and engineer at the advanced imaging center of the EMBL headquarters in Heidelberg. Involved in a variety of projects, Dr. Power also oversees Ph.D. students involved in building custom light sheet imaging systems.

Dr. Power described their light sheet imaging system, “It’s an oblique plane microscope (OPM) that uses a single objective, which allows us to do light sheet microscopy in a more traditional inverted, epifluorescence setup with less restrictions on sample geometry and using a water dipping objective.”

“This system is for imaging of a little tentacle monster Nematostella, which are interesting from a morphological and behavioral point of view, how their muscle hydraulics and neural dynamics influence their development and motion. We are using our light sheet system to image contractile waves of motion within these animals.”

Figure 1: Animation (top) and image montage (bottom) of a Nematostella in motion, taken with the Kinetix sCMOS. Images are taken at two second intervals, scale bar is shown. A contractile wave of motion is seen from image to image. The figure is taken from referenced paper, Singh et al. 2022.


Dr. Power told us about the imaging challenges he faces in his work, “The Nematostella cannot be constrained, these are fully grown animals that need to move around and undergo normal behaviors. These samples are moving freely in a droplet, so we only image them when they move into the camera’s field of view. We also want to go fast so we can capture dynamic motion while retaining a large FOV.”

In addition to this, Nematostella is a light-sensitive organism, meaning a low light regime is needed, reducing signal levels and requiring a highly sensitive camera. Due to their size (~1.5 mm in length, ~200 μm in width), the Nematostella can only be imaged with a light sheet when the body axis is in a certain orientation, further requiring a large FOV to increase the number of good imaging events.

Finally, in order to further increase the FOV, a low magnification objective is used which inherently has a lower numerical aperture, which can be challenging when using an OPM imaging regime.

With the [Prime BSI] on our custom setup we can carry out experiments which we could not perform before.


The Kinetix is an ideal solution for this imaging application, featuring both a very large 29 mm FOV combined with a very high speed of 500 fps across this entire sensor. The Kinetix is widely used for light sheet and means researchers no longer have to compromise.

Dr. Power described his experience with the Kinetix “The speed and the large chip of the Kinetix were the things that made it ideal for our application. Right now, the full speed of the Kinetix hasn’t even been leveraged in recent experiments, we can easily go a factor of 5x faster.”

“Software setup was absolutely fine for capturing images when triggered, everything worked so no problems. Introducing the camera to the system hardware was easy.”

The Kinetix sCMOS replaced a traditional sCMOS camera used for alignment/testing due to the better performance and allows for high-resolution imaging across a large FOV while maintaining a high speed.


Singh R., Subramanian K., Power R.M., Paix A., Ikmi A., Prevedel R. (2022) An oblique plane microscope for mesoscopic imaging of freely moving organisms with cellular resolution, bioRxiv 2022.07.15.500249; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.07.15.500249