Multi-Patch Clamp ElectrophysiologyCustomer Stories

Dr Maurizio Pezzoli, Prof. Henry Markram

Neural Microcircuitry Laboratory, EPFL, Switzerland


Dr. Maurizio Pezzoli works in the Neural Microcircuitry Laboratory, performing whole-cell patch clamping in acute slices in order to analyze local microcircuitry. The main approach is through multiple patch-clamp, as Dr. Pezzoli says “the lab has the first 12 patch system so we can put 12 pipettes in one slice and see how close neurons talk to each other”.

“The effort of the lab is to try and understand how different types of neurons are connected and how the bigger circuit is connected, my main focus would be around the somatosensory cortex and somatosensory thalamus, but we are also testing some other parts such as hippocampus.”

To this end, Dr. Pezzoli performs electrophysiology experiments on ~300 μm slices of brain tissue, using multiple patch pipettes to record neuronal function. However, generating a clear image of the tissue is vitally important to ensure the right neurons are patched with the micropipettes.

Figure 1: Image of the electrophysiological setup used in the Neural Microcircuitry Laboratory, showing the microscope, Prime 95B CMOS as a detector, and multiple patch pipettes positioned around a sample.


Dr. Pezzoli outlined some of the challenges of his work: “We need a clear image in an environment that is mostly black and white, we are also working with infrared as this can go through the 300 μm tissue slice… our patching is all done live and you need good optical guidance when approaching with multiple pipettes when cells are in thick tissue, and to see the right time to do the patch, you really need to see things properly.”

“We push the contrast a lot and require a sensitive camera, secondly we need it to be very fast as we only have a small opportunity to patch the cell then it’s gone, we also need great resolution as you’re looking at very tiny surfaces and if you increase the optics too much you lose the working distance, so there are limits. We have a working distance of around 2 mm but as we put more pipettes we are limited in our XY directions.”

This challenging application requires a flexible, highly sensitive camera with a large dynamic range.

Very happy with [the Prime 95B], I was having problems before and this was a great solution, and probably the best optics I have.


The Prime 95B CMOS is an ideal solution for this application, with a near-perfect 95% QE for maximizing signal collection, and a high speed across a large field of view. The large dynamic range in 16 bit mode will allow for the identification of even the smallest neuron while pushing the brightness and enabling a good contrast in the image, assisting the patch clamping process.

Dr. Pezzoli has been using the Prime 95B for his patch clamping experiments: “It makes the patching easier, the main benefit for me is that it improved my patching as I can see better, particularly with the tiny interneurons…. the setup experience was quite straightforward, it is always nice to receive new equipment in the lab and it worked very easy.”

Calcium ImagingCustomer Stories

Mr Emil Kind and Prof. Mathias Wernet

Neurobiology and Neural Circuits, Institute of Biology, Freie University, Berlin


Emil Kind is a PhD student in the lab of Prof. Wernet, which focuses on neural circuitry, especially circuits involved in navigation and orientation behaviour. Their studies span from looking at neuroanatomy on a cellular level to behaviour on the organism level using the fruit fly Drosophila as a model system.

There are special regions within the eye of the fruit fly used for orientation by looking at the sky. The lab of Prof. Wernet studies the downstream circuits in the fly brain, identifying and studying cells to see how they influence behavior.

Besides imaging the brain using confocal and multiphoton systems, Prof. Wernet’s lab also performs functional calcium and/or voltage imaging on ex vivo brain cultures. There are also further plans to move into optogenetics and use electrical stimuli.

Figure 1: Video showing an ex vivo ventral nerve cord of a Drosophila larvae (L3) expressing GCaMP6f in all glutamatergic neurons, including motor neurons. The calcium waves seen are generated by the central pattern generating network, co-ordinating fictive locomotion even without sensory feedback. Captured with the Prime BSI Express.


Mr Kind wants to use GCamp indicators to visualize activation and inhibition in neural brain cultures, but this can be very difficult and a high sensitivity camera is a necessity, especially when the experiments benefit from low-intensity illumination.

High-speed imaging is desirable in order to understand neural function, and high-resolution imaging allows for a better description of neural circuitry. The range of experiments requires solutions that are both flexible and powerful.

Very happy with [the Prime 95B], I was having problems before and this was a great solution, and probably the best optics I have.


The Prime BSI Express is a high-speed, high-sensitivity solution for calcium imaging. Imaging at 95 frames a second across the full sensor, the BSI Express can capture neuronal function with ease. As Mr Kind says: “The [BSI Express] is just perfect, I don’t have any issues with the camera. I use a 60x objective and I can see all my neuronal population within the field of view.”

The 6.5 μm pixel of the BSI Express allows for flexible experimentation and optimized Nyquist sampling at 60x magnification, allowing for great spatial resolution when looking at individual neurons and whole slices containing dense circuitry.

ElectrophysiologyCustomer Stories

Dr. Aikeremu Ahemaiti

Department of Neuroscience, Uppsala University, Sweden


Dr Ahemaiti is a researcher in the Department of Neuroscience at Uppsala University, working for multiple research groups. Dr. Ahemaiti works with Prof. Malin Langerström researching mouse spinal cord sensory circuits responsible for sensations such as pain and itch, and with Prof. Henrik Boije researching zebrafish motor function and regulation, again focusing on the spinal cord. Both studies concern neural networks and elucidating function using cell biology and electrophysiology, as well as genetic sequencing on single cells.

These studies use both electrophysiological patch techniques along with fluorescent imaging of cells and networks.

Figure 1: Zebrafish electrophysiology with the Prime BSI Express. The left image shows a single mCherry labelled brain interneuron being collected in the patch pipette, while the right image shows a GFP labelled spinal cord interneuron.


In electrophysiology studies involving patch pipettes, it is important to balance the fluorescence imaging with brightfield, as the latter is needed to direct the pipette towards the cell of interest. This means that fluorescent signals can often be lost in the more intense brightfield illumination, meaning a highly sensitive camera is needed to pick out the fluorescent signal.

A previous CMOS solution was also presenting with patterns and artifacts, which interfered with the cell imaging. A back-illuminated CMOS camera with a single sensor and a clean bias would also be necessary to remove artifacts and improve the signal-to-noise ratio.

Imaging both mouse and zebrafish models with different optical and electrophysiological experiments also lend to the challenge, meaning a highly flexible camera solution is needed, especially one with a larger FOV for future experiments. The different fluorescent dyes used are also different between models, with mouse experiments using bright tdTomato probes to label the cytosol, and zebrafish using less intense GFP and mCherry that are more localized to membranes. All this variability needs to be matched with an imaging solution.

Very happy with [the Prime 95B], I was having problems before and this was a great solution, and probably the best optics I have.


The Prime BSI Express is a highly flexible camera for electrophysiology studies, with high speed, near-perfect 95% quantum efficiency, and low read noise. The balanced pixel size also allows for the Prime BSI Express to thrive in a range of different experiments, with a large FOV and high resolution to match the high sensitivity.

The high dynamic range 16-bit mode allows for imaging of both brightfield and fluorescence, allowing for Dr Ahemaiti to see both tagged cells and the electrophysiological patch pipette at the same time, even if fluorescent signals were low. The Prime family of cameras comes with high image quality, meaning a single sensor with no split, no patterns, and no artifacts, resulting in a high signal-to-noise ratio for sensitive optical and electrophysiological experiments.

Dr Ahemaiti also commented on the simplicity of the Prime BSI Express, “Setup was simple thanks to online instruction and previous remote demo sessions… it was easy to turn on and use thanks to USB connection.”

Dynamic Microfluidic ImagingCustomer Stories

Dr. Georg Krainer, Dr. William Arter, Prof. Tuomas Knowles

Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge


The Knowles Lab at the University of Cambridge is an interdisciplinary group that develops new approaches to probe the behavior of biological molecules, especially protein self-assembly, a process that can result in several neurodegenerative diseases when misfolding occurs.

Dr. Georg Krainer and Dr. William Arter of the Knowles lab use custom-developed microfluidic platforms to study these proteins, investigating the fundamental molecular level events that drive proteins to convert from their normal soluble forms into aberrant aggregates. These experimental platforms require integration into advanced multichannel optics for imaging across different fluorophores, as the moving fluid droplets are labeled with several different fluorescent markers.

Figure 1: An image taken with the Kinetix CMOS paired to a Cairn MultiSplit, showing 4 separate wavelengths simultaneously from droplets in a microfluidic device moving under flow. The left image shows the raw 4-way split across the Kinetix sensor, and the right shows the 4 channel composite.


Dr. Krainer and Dr. Arter outlined some of the challenges of their setup: “We are integrating optics with microfluidics so the main challenge is getting stable images of molecules under flow as they move through the field of view, for that we need a high speed camera to get crisp images.”

The high speed imaging also needs to be performed across a large field of view (FOV) and for several different fluorescent channels, requiring the use of a large area CMOS that can be reliably paired with an image splitter.

They also mentioned the need for sensitivity, “We are dealing with a low signal so we are interested in a high sensitivity option.”

Very happy with [the Prime 95B], I was having problems before and this was a great solution, and probably the best optics I have.


Delivering a large sensor, high speed and high sensitivity, the Kinetix is the next step in CMOS camera technology. The large 29.4 mm sensor of the Kinetix matches up well to image splitters, especially the Cairn MultiSplit, splitting a Kinetix sensor 4 ways still results in a diagonal FOV of 15 mm per quadrant.

Dr. Arter told us about his experience with the Kinetix, “The large sensor of the Kinetix allows us to do full FOV imaging with a splitter from Cairn Research [MultiSplit] we can image three fluorescence channels and one brightfield channel simultaneously on one single chip, instead of needing multiple cameras, and this is really what we need in our application.”

The large FOV and high speed of the Kinetix enable experiments that were not possible before, in this case, high-quality multicolour imaging of droplets under flow with a single sensor, with some systems built with the Kinetix in mind, as Dr. Krainer says, “The Kinetix platform offered us excellent possibilities for multiplexed imaging together with the MultiSplit. We needed a large field of view and we needed simultaneous multichannel imaging with fluorescence and brightfield, it is the perfect combination… We also got great support from [Teledyne] Photometrics in setting up the Kinetix, the team was very helpful.”

Single Molecule DetectionCustomer Stories

Prof. Hao Shen

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Kent State University, Ohio


The Shen lab at Kent State University are using single-molecule imaging approaches to evaluate catalytic reactivity of various carbon nanoparticle formulations. Electrochemical reactions are critical to energy conversion and storage, but mechanisms to understand key parameters at the molecular level have been lacking.

Imaging the formation of fluorescent products during electrochemical catalysis at the single-molecule level allows for the determination of the number, localization, and kinetics of each active site on individual nanoparticles. The internal porosity of the nanoparticles is believed to influence the overall kinetics, and the Shen lab can measure this by single-molecule tracking of reaction product within the nanoparticle.

Figure 1: The Prime 95B captures real-time electrochemical catalysis on mesoporous carbon nanoparticles. Mesoporous carbon nanoparticles were immobilized on an ITO substrate and serve as working electrodes, with non-fluorescent molecules of resazurin electrochemically converted to resorufin on the nanoparticle surface. The left image shows the raw fluorescence image of two resorufin molecules, while the right image shows the 3D surface intensity plot.


As with other single-molecule detection and localization techniques, Prof. Hao Shen is constantly battling the limits of detection, imaging speed and camera noise. The fluorescent products are produced at the catalytic active sites, therefore imaging the localization of fluorescent products effectively provides the localization of surface sites. Ideally, Prof. Shen aims to collect around 500 photons to localize the fluorescent product molecules, but imaging these is difficult against a nanoparticle background of 60-100 photons. 

Using EMCCDs the detected signal was amplified, but so was the background, and the excess noise factor associated with EMCCD detectors diminished the localization precision. With widefield total internal reflection (TIRF) excitation, Prof. Shen parallelized detection and could detect multiple nanoparticles at the same time, best suited to a detector with a larger field of view, giving the measurements of more nanoparticles simultaneously.

Very happy with [the Prime 95B], I was having problems before and this was a great solution, and probably the best optics I have.


The Prime 95B, with its larger FOV, large pixel collection area, and low noise allows single-molecule researchers such as Prof. Shen to gather more data than previously possible with EMCCD cameras.

Prof. Shen told us about the Prime 95B: “The increased FOV improves the nanoparticle statistics in each measurement, leading to overall shorter measurement times under each reaction condition. The increased temporal resolution also improves our resolving capability for fast reaction kinetics as well as mass transport. The reduced background noise improves our final resolution in sub-diffraction imaging applications. We can now work to define other catalytic and structural properties of the nanoparticle matrix that we couldn’t address before.”

Imaging Live Cell ExocytosisCustomer Stories

Dr. Ute Becherer

Department of Cellular Neurophysiology, Saarland University, CPIMM, Homburg


Dr. Ute Becherer studies the regulation of exocytosis and endocytosis using several different model systems, including the release of vesicles containing adrenaline from chromaffin cells (neuroendocrine cells), synaptic transmission in neurons, and the mechanisms of immune cytotoxic T cells. Proteins involved in regulating exocytosis are also present in T cells, and learning more about the processes behind exocytosis is relevant for entire organisms. Dr. Becherer is studying this exocytosis from the molecular scale to entire in vivo animals.

Imaging plays a big part in these experiments, with Dr. Becherer using super-resolution microscopy, TIRF microscopy, confocal microscopy, and widefield imaging. The latter is done with neuronal cells, as stated by Dr. Becherer, “We are looking at a protein called CAPS, which has a role in pain generation, we look at this in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) sensory neurons in widefield.”

Figure 1: Fluorescence imaging of synaptic transmission, captured with the Prime 95B. The aim was to measure synaptic transmission with SypHy (yellow) in DRG neurons which were co-transfected with CAPS2-Halo (magenta). Only a fraction of SypHy positive neurites also expressed CAPS2-Halo thereby substantially reducing the number of synapses that could be measured. Arrows point to all active synapses in the field but only the synapses in which CAPS2-Halo was expressed could be used for the analysis (filled arrowheads). Acquisition settings: 100 ms exposure, 100X Objective, pixel size 110 nm.


As these experiments range across several different imaging techniques, any detectors used need to be flexible and have broad applications. For example, detectors used with the TIRF systems need to be sensitive and fast. Widefield and confocal imaging of cell populations require a large field of view (FOV) in order to capture as many cells as possible and observe as many exocytosis events as possible. Dr. Becherer mentioned that only a portion of these cells are successfully transfected, and a larger FOV allows for a larger sample size.

Some of these systems previously used an EMCCD, but for measuring T cell exocytosis or neuronal synaptic transmission a bigger field of view FOV was required to measure lots of events at once. In addition, Dr. Becherer said, “To really resolve the event and see how large the vesicles were, we needed a smaller pixel size, and the EMCCD pixels were a lot bigger than they are now with the Prime 95B”.

Very happy with [the Prime 95B], I was having problems before and this was a great solution, and probably the best optics I have.


Dr. Becherer is currently using the Prime 95B sCMOS for imaging experiments, making use of the high sensitivity and large FOV, as well as the improved resolution compared to EMCCD due to the smaller 11 μm pixel size. Fluorescence imaging of synaptic transmission was greatly facilitated by the very large field of view provided by the Prime 95B.

By combining the large FOV of the Prime 95B with an iLAS TIRF system, which can image across a larger FOV than classical TIRF, a powerful large field imaging system has been developed.

Dr. Becherer also stated, “I also experienced excellent customer support, and setting up the Prime 95B was easy with PCI. We also upgraded to solid-state drives and more RAM in order to run long acquisitions and collect data.”

Calcium and Voltage ImagingCustomer Stories

Dr. Naoki Kogo and Prof. Nael Nadif Kasri

Department of Human Genetics/Cognitive Neuroscience, Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Netherlands


Dr. Naoki Kogo is a visiting researcher in the lab of Prof. Nael Kasri, participating in projects to study the neural properties of network dysfunction in neurodevelopmental disorders. This lab uses human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to form neural networks, and then applies electrophysiological and optical techniques to study the function of these networks and organoids, using calcium imaging and voltage imaging.

These models are highly relevant to medical research as they are based on human cells, and can help to elucidate the mechanisms behind neurological disease and how dysfunction in neural networks can occur. Both calcium imaging across large neuronal populations and voltage imaging to see individual action potentials are used to get a complete view of functionality.

Figure 1: The left images show a single neuron visualized with DIC-IR, GFP fluorescence, and Archon1 voltage signal (the patch pipette can be seen as a dark shape on the left of the DIC-IR image). The right image shows a cell culture of neurons (excitatory and inhibitory) and astrocytes derived from human iPSCs.


Combining both calcium and voltage imaging means this research requires a flexible yet powerful detector. Calcium imaging requires a large field of view (FOV) at a high resolution in order to see waves of activity across large neuronal populations at low magnification (x20), and voltage imaging requires high speed and high sensitivity imaging to observe fast dynamic events within smaller numbers of neurons, at high magnification (x60).

Dr. Kogo mentioned the lab had used an older model of camera that could not perform the voltage imaging, so a new detector was required.

Very happy with [the Prime 95B], I was having problems before and this was a great solution, and probably the best optics I have.


The Prime BSI Express is a highly flexible camera that is well suited to both calcium and voltage imaging. This CMOS has a large FOV and a balanced 6.5 μm pixel, well suited to calcium imaging across large numbers of neurons, with the CMS mode providing an excellent signal-to-noise ratio.

In addition, the high 95 fps and low read noise of the Prime BSI Express allow it to perform voltage imaging, operating at a high speed with high sensitivity. Through the use of regions of interest and binning, the Prime BSI Express can maximize signal collection while minimizing noise, collecting even weak fluorescent signals at high speed.

High Content Multiplex FluorescenceCustomer Stories

Prof. Johann Danzl, Dr. Wiebke Jahr

Optical Imaging for Biology, Institute of Science and Technology Austria


The lab of Prof. Johann Danzl focuses on research and development of cutting-edge technology to study biological phenomena at time and length scales that would be inaccessible with existing approaches. Conventional light microscopes are limited by diffraction and achieve a resolution of approximately half the wavelength of light used for imaging. At a lower resolution limit of ~200 nm (for blue light), many biologically relevant molecular details and finer morphology remain hidden.

A major focus of the Danzl Lab is the advancement of diffraction-unlimited light microscopy techniques, achieving tens of nanometer-scale resolution and better imaging in biological samples. In their interdisciplinary team of life scientists, physicists, and software engineers, the Danzl Lab tries to improve every single step of the imaging process. To this end, they are establishing novel sample preparation and labeling protocols to better mark fine structural details or highlight interactions between molecules. These samples are then imaged on custom-built microscopes offering the speed and resolution best suited for the sample at hand. At the same time, they are exploring image processing and data analysis approaches to extract more information from each sample.

Figure 1: Super resolution image of fluorescently labelled microtubules in 4X expanded U2OS cells, acquired on a homebuilt light sheet microscope. A dividing cell is captured in the center of the image. The image is color coded for depth, with the scale adjusted to represent sample size before expansion.


Expansion microscopy is a versatile and increasingly popular tool to acquire super-resolved images of biological specimens. Instead of improving instrument resolution, the sample is expanded to several times its original size. Fluorescent labelling of the sample can be performed before or after expansion, depending on the specific experimental requirements. Expanded samples are optically clear and the refractive index is matched to water mitigating aberrations, such that they are in principle well suited for high-resolution imaging.

Nevertheless, microscopy of expanded samples poses a number of unique challenges. Most importantly, samples are fairly large (depending on the pre-expansion size of the sample and the expansion factor). At high expansion factor and thus effective resolution, regions spanning a few cells may correspond to millimetre-sized imaging volumes. Therefore, highly parallelized microscopy methods are required to image these samples with sufficient throughput to compare different biological conditions against each other.

To image these large samples, long working distance objectives with large field numbers are preferable, but their limited NA decreases the captured signal intensity. Due to the dilution of the fluorescent markers in the expanded volume, signal intensities are decreased further.

Very happy with [the Prime 95B], I was having problems before and this was a great solution, and probably the best optics I have.


The Danzl Lab built a custom light sheet microscope to image expanded samples, but needed a fast and sensitive detector to match its performance. They decided to use sCMOS camera technology due to their large chip size and high acquisition speeds when compared to EMCCDs.

The Prime BSI provided an ideal solution to the Danzl Lab for expansion microscopy imaging, offering excellent signal-to-noise ratio and a quantum efficiency previously only achieved by EMCCD cameras.

With the Prime BSI, members of the Danzl Lab could acquire expanded samples in tens of seconds to a few minutes – e.g. the entire volume around the dividing cell, corresponding to a post-expansion volume of 330 x 168 x 100 um3 (2.1×109) voxels, was captured in under two minutes.

Quantitative Biological
MicroscopyCustomer Stories

Chao Tang, Professor

Center for Quantitative Biology, Peking University


The Tang Lab at the Center for Quantitative Biology at the Peking University is interested in quantitative studies of biological systems. They apply, develop and integrate theoretical, computational and experimental methods to address key biological questions. They believe that an interdisciplinary approach focusing on quantitative questions at a systems level will uncover new biological principles and help them better understand complex disease and design new therapeutic strategies. Current research areas include cell cycle regulation, cellular decision-making, the relationship between function and topology in biological networks, developmental landscapes, information processing in biological systems and network-based complex disease mechanisms. To achieve their research goals, the team must acquire stable, high resolution images for their quantitative studies.

(Left) HeLa cells. CFP was over-expressed and localized across the whole cell. 40X air objective. (Middle and right) fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Histone HTA2 was tagged with mCherry, which was localized in the nucleus. 60X oil objective


The quantitative studies of biological systems require the ability to capture high resolution images. Using standard CCD cameras, the team found they could not conduct quantitative analysis because they were unable to observe weak fluorescence signals. The research was dependent on a more advanced camera technology that could provide higher sensitivity and resolution for capturing accurate and reproducible data.

Very happy with [the Prime 95B], I was having problems before and this was a great solution, and probably the best optics I have.


Previously, Chao Tang, professor of the Tang Lab, worked at the University of California in San Francisco. There, he used both Photometrics and QImaging cameras, and was very satisfied with the cameras’ performance.

Now at the University of Peking, Tang and his team use both Evolve® 512 EMCCD cameras (new series now available) from Teledyne Photometrics.

“The Evolve EMCCD cameras are very sensitive, so we can detect weak fluorescence signal and get high resolution images. The advanced camera features enable us to acquire accurate and reproducible data,” states Tang.

Tang adds, “The Evolve cameras provide high quality images for quantitative analysis, and have fast image acquisition speed. The cameras are very stable, fast and efficient.”

Further Information

Additional information about Tang Lab and his team is available at:

More about the Center for Quantitative Biology PKU is available at:

Vesicle Tracking and TransportCustomer Stories

Thomas Pucadyil, Principal Investigator

Indian Institute of Science Education and Research


Research in the Pucadyil lab at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research is focused on understanding how proteins involved in vesicular transport manage to sort membrane proteins and bud out vesicles from cell membranes. The team approaches this area of research by reconstituting partial reactions that contribute tobudding and scission of transport vesicles from model membranes that mimic native cell membranes.


The challenge in this type of research is twofold. Since vesicular transport proteins constitute a large fraction of the genome of typical eukaryotes, the first challenge is determining the combination of proteins which is sufficient to catalyze a particular vesicular transport process. The team typically begins with a list of proteins prescribed in contemporary literature and then work their way down to defining the minimal set of proteins that can achieve either membrane budding or scission.

Once the minimal set of proteins is identified, the second challenge is to devise new assay methods and model membrane systems to visualize the actual pathway these proteins take in order to catalyze the processes using real-time, fluorescence-based approaches. The primary objective is then to define the necessary conformational changes that theparticipating proteins undergo in order to impose forces that will bend membranes to bud out vesicles.

Very happy with [the Prime 95B], I was having problems before and this was a great solution, and probably the best optics I have.


The lab implemented the Photometrics Evolve® 512 EMCCD camera (new series now available) which was recommended by colleagues who were engaged in fluorescence-based detection of conformational changes in single molecules. Pucadyil shares, “The remarkable sensitivity and the ease with which the Evolve camera can be calibrated has been of tremendous practical value to our research.”

“Our work primarily involves low light imaging of fast reactions. The
sensitivity afforded with the Evolve camera has allowed us to practically visualize vesicular transport reactions at extremely low light exposure and obtain accurate kinetic parameters with minimal photo damage.” Pucadyil summarizes, “The Evolve 512 camera is a great value for money and a must for any lab engaged in high sensitivity fluorescence imaging.”

Further Information

Additional information about the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research is available at: ~pucadyil/Welcome.html