Our Steps For A Comprehensive Evaluation
1. Web Consultation
We understand that your needs are personalized to your application and these can never be fully addressed in a product datasheet or brochure.
Web consultation meetings allow our applications experts time to understand your needs, explain which terms and specifications are useful and evaluate different products/technologies in live technology comparisons. A web consultation allows you to:
- Talk face-to-face with an expert
- View and compare different technologies
- Image static, moving and live samples
- Evaluate at your convenience with our global coverage

2. In-Lab Trial
Samples and Optical set-ups vary and that’s why we also offer the option to try the camera in your lab with your sample. Following a web consultation, let us know if you would also like a short term in-lab trial.
The process is simple:
- Complete a loan form
- Receive the camera in your lab
- Run it on your system with your samples
- Return it to us
3. Setup Assistance And Support
Modern imaging devices have a range of parameters and settings that allow you to get the best out of your imaging. But how do you know which are the right ones? During the trial period, our teams are available to help you set up the camera in your software and demonstrate the settings to deliver the best options for you.
You can also take advantage of our imaging resources and videos for:
- Installation support
- How-to guides
- Camera evaluation tips

4. “Keep On Imaging” Program
Immediately after the in-lab trial, you need to return the camera. But what if you didn’t have to? What if you could just start there and then with your new imaging capabilities?
Our “Keep On Imaging” program allows you to keep the camera you have from the moment the trial is complete, this way you can keep on imaging while your order is processed.
You then have the option to keep the specific camera you have or simply use it until your ordered one arrives. Contact us after your trial for more information on how this program works.
5. Join The Community
With over 40 years of experience in life science imaging combined with first-class products and fantastic support, you will be joining a community of scientists who we are happy to work with.
We’re committed to sharing resources with our customers who, in return, regularly send us images from their applications which we share with the rest of the community.